To prove a point 2016 wasn’t so bad at all, here’s a video of an epic bike ride in Kranjska gora (Slovenia) from the Five and Shoutem team building last autumn. Honestly, this one is probably one of ma favorite bike rides ever, and definitely the best cycling session, since I never ever do cycling… At least, I didn’t till now, but after this, I’m really giving it a thought to sell my city bike and exchange it with a real road bike.

To be perfectly honest, this bike (rental) wasn’t really set up properly (hence the paranoid checking few minutes into the video, when the weird noise started appearing), and it wasn’t my size, but I had a ton of fun with it.

If you’re wondering, the data was plotted on the video in the application called DashWare (previously a paid app, and now free, after it was acquired by GoPro). It was all shot with GoPro Session. Data was recorded with iPhone 6S.

Slow TV

Anyway, look at this video like one of those slow TV things from Norway, watching it makes at least as much sense.


Drivers (in front): Vedran Ivanac, Viktor Marohnić
Camera & Driver: Hrvoje Mihajlic
Bike: Fondriest TF4

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